Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How to install Laravel 4 on wamp server?

First thing which you need to check before starting the setup:

Check whether you have the latest version of the php(5.5)

After that you need to download the setup from the link below:


Run the setup and install the composer which will download the Laravel 4 files on your server.

After the completion of the setup -> open cmd(Command Promt).

write composer and press enter.

then change the directory to your server directory.

like in my case it was:

c:\user\home> cd c:\wamp\www

this is the comand to be written in cmd.

then your cmd directory would be like this:


now write the command for installing the Laravel 4.

which is:

composer create-project laravel\laravel yourfoldername --prefer-dist

in cmd it will be as

c:\wamp\www>composer create-project laravel/laravel yourfoldername --prefer-dist

by writing this command an directory with name yourfoldername will be creater in wamp/www.

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