Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wordpress tags

Get the site sitle:-

<?php bloginfo('title'); ?>

Get the style sheet linked:-

<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url');?>

For any other head content:-

<?php wp_head(); ?>

To get the name of the site:-

<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> 

 To get discription of the site:-

<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>

To get the navigation bar:-

<?php wp_nav_menu(); ?>

To get the header file:-

<?php get_header(); ?>

To get the footer file:-

<?php get_footer(); ?>

To get the sidebar:-

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

To get the Posts:-

<?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
       <?php the_title(); ?>/* To get the title of the post */
       <?php the_content(); ?>/* To get the conent of the post */
<?php endwhile; ?>

To get the image:-

Paste the code where u want to show the image:-
<?php the_post_thumbnail('full'); ?>

Paste the code to active an feature image in Functions.php file:-

<?php add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); ?>

To get the author link:-

<?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>

To get the date:-

<?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?>

For comments:-

<?php comments_link();?>/*Gives an link to comment page.*/

<?php comments_number('0 comment','1 comment','% responses'); ?>
 0 comment : used for no comment.
1 comment : used for 1 comment.
% responses : used for More than 1 coments */

To link a text to dynamic permalink:-

<?php the_permalink(); ?>

To get the comment box:-

<?php comments_template(); ?>

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